![]() On August 25th, the 340th bomb group celebrated themselves with 2nd anniversary events. Ang sent Betty the commemorative booklet that they produced. You can see part of it in the posts for May and I'll scan and post the the pages under Official Documents. There were no missions flown that day or on the 26th -- I imagine there were many hangovers being nursed. According to the published squadron diary, there were other stand downs during these last days of August, either due to weather or because their targets in France were already held. Ang only flew one mission, on the 29th. Betty complains about being bored at work and even says she's feeling low and in a bad mood. She sends cigars to Ang - he's been asking for them for awhile. It's probably a good thing he mentioned them in several letters because at least two of his letters won't get to Betty until October! Friday, August 25. Another boring day. Golly I’ll be glad when things pick up. We stained the bookcase tonight. Just lazed all evening. Bath and bed 11:30. [Letter. Handwritten on typing paper. Postmark 8-26.] 8-25-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Big doings on this little island today. It seems that it’s the groups’ 2nd anniversary today—so we are having a little celebration. I am sending you the program they put out in a package—I think you will find it interesting. Trying to anticipate a few of your questions about it: Major Hackney is our Sq. Co. The little event mentioned in the fifth paragraph of the last page happened on my first night here. There was your little ole husband with no foxhole to call his own—and his helmet packed in the bottom of my barracks bag. What a life—a nice way to start (and almost end). You should have seen me the next day with a pick and shovel. I now have one of the classiest fox holes in the world—at least its one of the deepest. Notice the last line on the last page “Of course, General, if you insist, we will go home!” Cute-eh? I think the program is really nice—and they had the censor pass it so we could send it home Boco generals around today. You should have seen Skeezix cleaning up this morning—scrubbed the floor and everything. As soon as he heard that some Generals were coming to inspect—he really got to work. I guess he was afraid that they would send him back to Sicily if didn’t have a sparkle on everything. What a kid! By the way, hon, you don’t have to Air mail stamps on “V” mail. The only thing they do is send them faster to the place where they photograph them, and in your case, it's right in LA. When I send them, they are photographed here and are flown by Air to L.A. to be printed, so there is no sense in my wasting stamps either. Straight poop from Group P.O. Also—the money I sent to the bank was 300 in one letter—and 200 in another. I thought I’d better tell you in case you got one receipt first. Let me know as soon as you get them. I sure have been thinking a lot about you today. I’ve been laying here letting all kinds of things go thru my mind—past and future. Tch, tch! Gosh, hon, I sure do miss you. I see by Bud’s letter that I’ve always taken you for granted. I sure wish I was with you—so I could take you—for granted(?). Oh my goodness—I’d better close before I start drooling. I love you sweetheart. Love, Ang August 26. To doctor’s in A.M. but everything OK. Mailed cookies to Ang. Had a letter after the invasion. Out to dinner. August 27. Sure was in a low mood today. Mother & I to movies after Mass. Did some odd jobs in evening & bed by 11:00. Sure warm. [Letter. Handwritten on typing paper. Postmark 8-29.] 8-27-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Well, its Sunday—and it actually does feel like Sunday. Maybe its because I went to church this morning. Talking about Sunday—I’m going to put that cross I bought in this letter—I hope it gets to you. You can consider it as an anniversary present until (and if) I can get anything else. Its not much—but you know what they say. At least I didn’t forget it—surprise! I had written to your dad a couple of months ago—but yesterday I got the letter back—not at that address…4300 Lindell is one you gave me—isn’t it? We had watermelon today for lunch—it wasn’t much good but I made a pig of myself just on general principles. I’m sure glad we can get little things like that once in awhile. By the way, did I tell you that I got the “T” shirts. Thanks a lot for the medicine—it was good for what ailed me. I’m sure making use of the “T” shirts. As Skeezix says—you’re a “bona spouse”. I’d better close now—the fellows are yelling at me—we are going swimming in the blue Mediterranean. (I knew I could spell it). I love you my darling. Love, Ang August 28. Mr L back from vacation—didn’t work very hard. Had cosmetic woman up & stayed all evening. To bed about 11:30. [Letter. Handwritten on typing paper. Postmark 8-29] 8-28 Corsica Hi Hon: Just got your letter of the 16th—my, my-what a temperature! Don’t get excited about those news clipping—they probably weren’t in your papers. There were mostly in small & medium sized city papers—you know, local boy makes good, etc. The clippings will never mention our group—just save all clippings that mention B-25 Mitchells in our part of the world. When I get home we’ll see which ones apply to us. I’m sending you a couple as an idea—and I guess they may be interesting to you even if you don’t know the fellows—because I do know them. As far as my mention—it was nothing. Some A.P. correspondent was here and for the lack of anything better to do he wrote an article on nicknames. Because of my name he gave me the monicker of “Angel face” Adams—I was supposed to have got that because of the angelic look on my face as I led the bombers to the target and rained bombs on the German heads—or some such foolishness he got into his head. God, what imagination those boys have. Honest, hon, no one ever called me that—what a ribbing I took when it came back. I’ll punch him in the nose if he ever comes back. Arne just got the news that he’s the proud pappy of a girl—you should see him hopping around passing out cigars. I love you darling—Love Ang ![]() August 29. Not quite so warm today. Mr. S took us down to Long Beach for dinner and some drinks. A so-so time. Swell letter from Ang. Late. Form 5. C-29, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 3:30h [Crew sheet under Official Documents. The crew sheet lists Ang as bombardier.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #30.] 30 8-29 Verona R.R. Viaduct 1. Center 2. Did not drop Heavy, scant & inac. [verso: "Mell"] August 30. Not much to do at the office today. Mr. S up for dinner again. Very lousy frame of mind. Wrote letters in evening. 11:30. [Letter. Postmark 8-31] 8-30 Corsica Hi Hon: I know that I have to write a letter today—but I’ll be darned if I know what to say—mind is blank. I didn’t get any mail yesterday—so I don’t even have your questions to answer—such is life! I did get a “V” mail from the Folks—not much to say—just a “duty” letter. I’m enclosing a small piece in the paper I found somewhere. I think its kind of cute myself. I spent most of yesterday at the beach—this place is just ideal for it. You go swimming in the salt water & breakers for fun, and then swim in the mouth of a little river that runs into the seas to wash off the salt. I must admit that the climate and the scenery in this part of the world are wonderful—its just these “foreigners” that drive me crazy. We just finished teaching Skeezix how to sing “Lay that pistol down, Babe”. Boy, he’s really a scream. He gets the words all screwed up—and what comes out is shocking—tch. tch. its good for my morale to have him around—he keeps me laughing for hours. I’m afraid I’m teaching him bad habits, though. The other night he gathered his Eytie friends and “introduced” them to an American game called dice. He won 30 bucks though—so I guess he isn’t so dumb. What a kid! I love you darling—Love, Ang August 31. Sort of busy today for a change. Mailed cigars to Ang. Pay day. Wrote letters all evening. Mom and I home alone for change. Bed 11:30
[Letter. Postmark 9-1.] 8-31-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Gee Whiz, hon—I’m not making any suggestions against “V”mail letters—I don’t mind getting them—I’m just a little tired of addressing mine twice. I finally figured that it was a lot easier to write an extra page than all that work of addressing those “V” mail jobs. You just keep on writing them. I have nothing against them. (your letter of 8-18) Thanks for calling the folks up hon. I’m sure it pleased them—and I know it made Mom feel a little as if her family wasn’t completely torn away from her. I got a kick out of Margies letter. So the “Carribean commandos” are on their way to us. Well, well—I’ll be glad to see a few of the boys from Columbia. I’d love to see Elliot & Hoetling in the squadron. I’d give 50 bucks to see the looks on their faces as the first piece of flak nibbled at their pants seats. Gee- I sure do sound rather malicious—don’t I? I’m sorry—but the thought struck me as rather funny at the moment. It sounds like the Schrickers are in solid with the wheels—“Major Goldsworthy and Steve Howbert[?]”. And, Mrs. Adams, just what is the matter with Lana’s looks? Are you looking for trouble—just jealous and trying to undermine my secret love—that’s what you’re trying to do—ha! I love you sweets—Love, Ang
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![]() When I wrote about my Dad for his funeral booklet (which you can read under the About tab) I described him as a card player, among other things. By August 1944 he's mentioned playing poker several times, mostly as a way to kill time. But here in August, he talks about his "Lucky Streak" and starts sending money home to Betty. This money became the stuff of legend in our family. In the end, I estimate that he sent $2500 to $3000 by the time he returned home. He also sent home some "foreign money" in one of his four letters from August 19-24th.. Betty's schedule is as usual but she notes that she received the snapshots Ang sent and that she received his letter with the news about his promotion. In his 8-23 letter, we get a glimpse of Ang's experience of would come to be called "Catch-22" which in Joseph Heller's novel requires them to follow all rules, even contradictory rules and even if they have fulfilled the previous version of a rule. Also, if you think you're crazy and ask to be grounded, then you're not really crazy. He tells Betty he may have to fly up to 70 missions, depending on "what kind of act I can put on for the doc about that time." The increased number of required missions is mentioned in the August 20th entry of the 340th BG diary. There was some "grumbling" about this new order. ![]() Saturday, August 19. Didn’t work worth a darn today. Home and then out to Rowena’s. For dinner & home late. Martha over. 12:30 Form 5. C-19, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 3:55h [Crew sheet is under Official Documents tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #27.] 27 8-19 Montfaucon Road Bridge. 1. Center hit 2. North end hit Heavy, Mod. & Acc. 3 ships holed. [verso: “Mell"] [Letter. notepad paper. Postmark 8-20-44] 8-19-44 No dateline Hi Sweetheart: Gee whiz, baby, did I hit he jackpot yesterday. I hadn’t got any mail for a couple of days—but I didn’t expect a deluge like that. Eighteen letters and 5 packages—imagine that. Letters from you—Jen—the folks—Brother and Uncle John (Giovanni he signs it)—and practically everybody else. Boy, oh boy. Several of your letters were long ones—and all complaining of my not answering your questions—so here I go down the line as I got them. 1. Yes, I am keeping up on my letter writing—in fact I’m doing so well I even surprise myself. 2. Charley Vail is one of the navigators—and my housemate. 3. You don't have to worry about my getting tight too often. Its just a method of relaxing and every Flight Surgeon will recommend it.. 4. “Lead missions” means leading a box of planes to and over a target. 5. I have 26 missions now. 6. Yes I have been getting your packages—lots of them. I sure do appreciate them. 7. The doctors came to the conclusion that I had a fever—period. That’s all that was wrong with me—Thank God! 8. My interest in Kay’s living in a trailer was very impersonal. You should know better than to think I had any ideas. 9. I have been getting some of your letters in 8-9 days—how have mine been arriving. 10. Yes—I have been to Earl Carrolls—I enjoyed the Bar Ritz more. And what did you mean by “and that’s the last time I go out with a bunch of women.” 11. I hope you have no troubles finding the Wheelers. The initials are D.V. I’m sorry if my method of answering questions looks a little abrupt—I don’t mean it to be. I really did owe you a lot of answers and it was the best way of answering. I’m sorry if I don't answer all your questions—but really there is an awful lot I can't talk about. You’ll just have to restrain your curiosity until I hit home base again. Then I’ll talk to your hearts desire—honest! Please excuse me now darling—I want to answer boco letters or I’ll never get around to them. I love you my darling—and I am hurrying—Love, Ang August 20. Tom and I to Mass. Just read all day. Had a late dinner and then to movies with family. To bed about 11:00. August 21. Warm again. Ugh. Got some snaps in Ang’s letter today. Sure good to see him. Made some cookies. To bed about 11:00. ![]() Form 5. C-21, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:10h [Crew sheet under Official Documents.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #28.] 28 8-21 Parma (W) RR Bridge. 1. Center No flak [verso: "Hen."] [Letter. Postmark 8-22-44] 8-21-44 [no dateline] Hello Hon: I got your Aug 10 letter today—and I was glad to notice that you seemed to be in a very good mood. To keep you that way—I have a little surprise for you. I’m sending $500.00 (that’s right—five hundred dollars) to Fort Sam for our account. I’ve had a lucky streak this mo—but I haven’t said anything for fear my luck would turn and you might become slightly peeved if my “earnings” disappeared. I did promise myself that I would send it off if my earnings reached the five-hundred mark. The last two nights pushed them well above that mark so today I tooled over the the post office—and here it comes. I’m not saying how much that “well above” is—just in case! If that hits the five hundred mark though I’ll send that too. However, I’m about due for a little trip to Rome—and that “well above” should just about cover it. I hope you’re not seriously thinking of making a trip to Chicago in December. At least not for a short visit. I plan on making a little trip that way myself about then or shortly after. So, if I were you—I wouldn’t make any plans. I sure was glad to hear about Ann—especially the boy part. I’ll have to send her a short note. Hon, the “Time” magazine is coming now--so you can stop sending it. The others should follow pretty soon. That’s about all, hon! Guard that “five hundred” with your life. That and what else we can save will buy us a car when I get home—then we’ll never have to depend on anyone else. I love you sweets—Love, Ang Let me know when Fort Sam sends you the notice. August 22. Good news today - Ang wrote his 1st came through. Am so glad for him. Had hair cut and washed. Kay to Seattle. August 23. Worked steady but not hard today. Marian called & they took me for a ride. Awfully nice. Bed by 11:00 ![]() V-Mail from Ang to Ann and Bill Goodwin congratulating them on their new baby. (courtesy Ann Henderson Goodwin Family Collection) [Letters. Handwritten on typing paper, but also a typed version of the same letter. 8-23 postmark on envelopes. Stamped inside October 18 on the handwritten version and Oct 28 on the typed. No clues about why two versions, delay, or why envelopes opened and stamped in Los Angeles. I have transcribed the handwritten letter.] 8-23-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Notice the paper—I managed to pick up a little out of operations. I received your big package a couple of days ago—the “T” shirts etc. Gee, they sure come in handy—they really make my comfort complete. You know, hon, if the army was like this in the states—I wouldn’t mind being in the army the rest of my life. But it isn’t—so I won’t. Talking about packages—I wish you would send me the camera and a few other things. In case I haven’t “requested” them—I’ll do it now. Please send me a camera—and all the film you can get for it. Send me a box of cigars. Send me some air mail stationary. and plenty of envelopes I guess that’s all I can think of. Send the camera as soon as possible—because I have plenty of opportunity for some beautiful pictures—and I do want some record of my overseas life. Write me the film size—and I’ll write to Uncle George and Goldsmith and see if they can’t send me some film. I see you’re confused by some of my vocabulary. I’m sorry—we use that language so much around here—that I don’t stop to think. Boco—is Italian for plenty Cossacking—means what is implies—going around the country—having a good time. I’ve got 28 missions now—and going strong—that means I’m almost half finished. I’m afraid I’ll have to go about 60 missions—maybe even 70 before I finish. It just depends on what kind of an act I can put on for the doc about that time. The trouble is that I’ve always been so darn healthy—that I’ll probably have to go the full distance. So far there is no sign that I’ve “had it” (nerves). When someone drops a book, I only jump ten feet—in comparison to some others who are kept busy jumping from one end of the island to the other. I guess that’s about all for now darling—I love you, sweets—Love, Ang ![]() [Letter. 8-24 postmark. 6 cents postage due.] 8-23-44 Hi Hon: Don’t mind this short letter—its just an extra for today. I’m just sending you some of this foreign money I’ve been trying to keep. All it does is fill up my pocketbook or else get lost—so I decided I’d better send it to you. Hold on to it for me. Gee whiz—two letters in one day—what am I doing. I love you hon. Love, Ang ![]() August 24. Mr. Latimer in for a [unable to decipher]—Less busy than yesterday. Almost had a flat! Wrote letters all P.M. To bed about 11:00 Form 5. C-24, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 3:05h [Crew sheet under Official Documents.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #29] 29 8-24 Marseilles Gun Positions Pattern Right On Guns [verso: "Led. Glade"] ![]() You could write a book! Well, of course this could be said about every major event of the war. On this site, I'm covering what I know about Ang and Betty Adams during the days of the invasion of southern France. I'll supplement with quotes from the 57th Bomb Wing website in the group and squadron diaries of the 340th BG and Ang's 486th BS. Betty's schedule was the same as usual usual -- writing letters, going to movies, working. We have one letter from Ang on the 18th. Tuesday, August 15. To Mass this AM. Not as warm as yesterday. Mr. L in nearly all day. Mom and I home alone. K to San Diego. Wrote letters. ![]() Form 5. C-15, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 4:00h [Crew sheet is under Official Documents tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #26] 26 8-15 Invasion. Avignon R.R. Bridge. 1 ship lost (3) 1 - north end hit. 2 - center. Heavy, intense & acc. Red flak. Six ships holed. 1 lost. 1st Hoscharr, J.P 2ndC.E. Arnold 1stV.J. Ottavio T/S AD Alldredge SW.B. Koseski Cpl C.T. Henry [verso: "Hen."] From the 340th Bomb Group diary: "Besides the all-consuming landing operations which our air efforts supported, the day was also unique for these reasons: today the Group completed its 500th combat mission and today also marked 18 months of overseas duty for the Group. The Group also set a new high for itself sending up a total 1132 planes on 11 separate missions. The first ship took off at 0517 succeeded by 71 others. All these planes returned safely. At 1520 hrs sixty more planes took off with the Dreaded Avignon Bridge as target. The three bridges designated as targets were well hit but a price was paid. Three of the participating ships did not return and several of those returning were badly shot up....." From the 486th Bomb Squadron diary: "The Group sent 72 ships into the air and over the S France coast by 0730 this morning. Very few boxes dropped their bombs because of the damned weather which blanketed the coast. This was very disappointing, however, because little or no flak was observed; everyone returned safely and grateful for that at least. In the afternoon bridges at Avignon were selected as targets. This indicated the B-25s could be taken off ground support work and put back on semi strategic work. A French Major General and his aide-de-camp accompanied the invasion during the afternoon after being initiated about the Group by Col. Chapman. The mission was rough – three ships did not return and most were holed. Two went down over the target and one over the sea. Our ship, piloted by Lt. Hoschar was struck in the right wing flew apart and set the ship into a flat spin. No one was seen chuting out but chutes may have been overlooked because of the excited state of the crews due to the intense, and accurate flak. Some are inclined to believe several men may have gotten out safely and the writer is one who believes. On the return trip, pilots J.D. Smith and Morrison spotted a 488th ship going down and when the crew landed in the water they each dropped spare dingies and radioed fixes for air-sea rescue. The squadron was not happy and groups of men could be seen about the area in discussion, quiet and soberly talking about the mission. The Sqdn's turn for stand-down will serve tomorrow and so to help forget about the mission." August 16. Loafed nearly all day. Warm, but not too bad. Kay in San Diego still. Mr. S for dinner. To movies alone. Bed 12:00. August 17. Worked in AM but just loafed in afternoon. Kay back from San Diego. Wrote letters all evening. To bed about 11:00. August 18. Have begun taking my lunch - see if I can save money. Shopped and bought Ang some things. Mr. S for dinner and for ride. Late. [Letter, small notepad paper. Postmark 8-18-44.] 8-18-44 Corsica Well, I said I wouldn't be able to write for a day or two—and I was right except for the reason. Shortly after I wrote you—the colonel called a meeting. "IT" happens tomorrow, he says. “IT” was the invasion of southern France. We had rumors and rumors about it—and quite a few bets and pools were made on the date. Of course most of the rumors were wrong—and nobody guessed the date—especially the Germans. Boy, I guess the landing ships caught them with their pants down. Honey, I have never seen a sight like the invasion in my life. The sea was filled with ships and the sky was filled with planes--and the Germans were sure catching hell. Boy oh Boy! Won't I have something to tell my grandchildren? Anyway as you can guess the colonels little speech stopped my celebration party cold. His little pep talk was a corker. “Get in there and fight, men! I know you’ll do your best—crash that line—etc.” I’m just kidding—he really was very serious about it. Have you gotten used to calling yourself Mrs 1st yet! Its no longer a novelty with me—but I still feel good about it. Please forgive the short letter this time—I’ve got to hit my sack—I’m dead tired. I love you honey—Love Ang. If you would like to read more about the 340th Bomb Group's role in the Invasion, this link will take you to a page with more information and mission reports.
http://57thbombwing.com/340th_History/487th_History/missions/081544_Avignon288.htm57thbombwing.com/340th_History/487th_History/missions/081544_Avignon288.htm ![]() Another mystery here. Ang’s Form 5 lists a mission on August 9th and I have a crew sheet for that date with him listed on a crew. However he doesn’t have this mission in his log book. I’m not sure what CT means on the Form 5 notation. In his log book, there’s a penciled in notation about his promotion on August 9 but I don’t know when he wrote that. He doesn’t mention the promotion until the 14th when he says “Holy mackeral—I stepped out of the plane and they were waiting with the orders. You better rush those cigars—so I can pass them out.” You can view the scrapbook page with the orders and list of promotions under the AWARDS tab. Ang doesn't mention anything about the rumors about the upcoming invasion of Southern France, but it is mentioned in the group and squadron diaries. He talks about food, pictures he's sending including the dog in one picture, and then his promotion. He predicts he won't be writing much because he'll be busy celebrating the promotion. He says he's "half lit" but must've recovered enough to fly for the Invasion on the 15th! Betty notes the news from Chicago of a new baby boy for her Aunt Ann. Meanwhile Betty is helping her Aunt Kay with her young son Tom, while Kay is in California to visit her husband Herm. She takes him to the movies, and a nearby park where they have rides. They visit the San Fernando Mission. Visiting California Missions was always part of our activities for visitors when we were growing up. ![]() Wednesday, August 9. Had a Spe Del from Peg today. Ann’s baby another boy! Tom and I to movies. Mom and K out. Warm again. Nothing new at work. Bed 11:30 Form 5. CT-9, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 1:05h [This flight is not in his personal log and I don't know why it's coded CT on his Form 5. The crew sheet is under the Official Documents tab.] August 10. Warm again—now we’re having some summer. Had dinner out—wrote Ang long letter. To bed about 10:00. August 11. Golly, it’s turned warm. Had my hair washed after dinner. Mr. S. for dinner. Sat and talked all evening. Read - bed about 12. ![]() Form 5. C-11, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:25h [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG] 23 8-11 St. Raephel Gun Positions. On Guns No Flak [on verso: "Led. Henthorn"] [See the crew sheet under the Official Documents Tab. This mission was to coastal gun positions in Southern France. According to the squadron and group diaries, there was a weather stand down on the 10th and the missions on the 11th didn't go until the late afternoon because of the weather. Ang doesn't mention the weather in his V-Mail.] [V-Mail. Postmark 8-21-44] 8-11-44 Corsica Hi Hon: You are definitely a sweetheart. I just got the snapshot book—and I love you for it. I was just about to write you for one—and there it was. Thanks hon—and also for the pictures. Just in case I haven’t told you lately—I’m still in fine shape. Conditions are getting better and easier all the time. The food is really good now—chicken and steak quite often—and boco fresh fruits and vegetables. We even had Joe Louis entertaining a few days back. Boy, what a life—who said war was hell? Just listen to me—I do feel good today though—I love you darling—Love, Ang August 12. Up about ten and then to park for while. Had lunch and then wrote letters all P.M. Folks to movie, but stayed home. Bed early. [Letter- small notepad paper. 8-13 postmark. Stamped August 23 on envelope and on first page 8-12 Corsica Hi Hon: I’m sending you a couple of pictures in this one—hurray—I know! Say, by the way, hows about that camera and film or didn’t I ever ask you for it. If I haven’t—please send me your camera and all the film you can for it. In the one picture are the navigators of the squadron—that’s Charley Vail on my left in both pictures. The dog is Jocko—the favorite of the squadron. He is either the dumbest or the smartest dog I have ever seen. He looks dumb—but he never misses chow call. Our biggest entertainment is watching Jocko try to “make” one of the females around here. God, is he dumb—Its really a scream. He has almost as many missions as I have—and he doesn’t like flak any more than I do so he can’t be too dumb. I sure look nice and chubby—don’t I. I’ve lost quite a bit of that gut now though. I’m down to my fighting weight of 153 lbs. I got all that candy you sent me today—thanks a lot hon. I’m sorry this is so short—but it is better than a “V” mail and I can’t think of anything else. I love you honey. Love, Ang ![]() August 13. To 8:00 Mass. Picked up at 10:30 and stopped so Tom could have a few rides - did I get ill? Saw San Fernando Mission - nice. Home early. Form 5. C-13, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 3:05h [Crew sheet is under the Official Documents tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG] 24 8-13 La Ciotat Gun Positions. On Guns No Flak [verso: "Laney, W.P. C.F. Anderson"] ![]() [V-Mail. 8-21 postmark. Stamped August 31 on inside.] 8-13-44 Corsica Hi Hon: I’ve been lying on my back for the last couple of hours talking myself into writing this letter. Gosh, I sure am getting lazy (did I say getting). Well the 13th has almost gone and I’m still here—listen to me talk! Just as if I haven’t lived through about 300 of them. Pardon this letter if it’s a little messed up. The Spitses are having a little practice dog fight—and its rather hard to concentrate. Hon, please send me a box of cigars (the best—10 centers—ha!) The boys are always giving me one—and I never have any to give back. I love you hon. Love, Ang ![]() August 14. Ugh - very warm! Mr. L. on his vacation & Marian & I are really having a picnic. Wrapped Bud’s package—to bed about ten. Form 5. C-14, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 3:00h [Crew sheet is under Official Documents tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG] 25 8-14 Frejus Gun Positions Right on Guns No flak [verso: “Hen.”] [Letter - small notepad paper, postmark 8-15-44]
8-14-44 [no dateline] Hyah Sweetheart: Its happened—its actually happened at last—my goodness I’m excited. You may now address me as 1st Lt. A. Adams—and yourself as Mrs. 1st. Gee whiz—oh golly! I’ve been a second for so long—that the silver bar (it has been on for exactly ten minutes now) doesn’t look right yet—but don’t worry, I’ll get used to it. Holy mackeral—I stepped out of the plane and they were waiting with the orders. You better rush those cigars—so I can pass them out. Please don’t mind if you don’t get a letter for a day or two. I’m half lit already—and well on my way—and probably will stay that way for awhile. Just think of that extra $40 every month. I love you—Love, Ang [The page from Ang's scrapbook with the promotion orders is under the AWARDS tab.] Ang did a pretty good job with his letter writing throughout August. During this first eight days he wrote several V-Mails and a letter. on the 8th. He flew 3 missions and one "Administrative" flight. He reports on letters received and from whom -- an old friend and Betty's Uncle Frank, both of whom are serving in the military. He may have his dates mislabeled or confused on his letters. Or perhaps he finished writing the August 8th letter on the 9th. He mentions ham and potatoes for dinner but the 57th diaries include this note for the 9th. Those diaries also say August 5th was a stand down due to weather but Ang's Form 5 and his log list a mission on the 5th. He describes it as a "paper" mission which usually means they were dropping propaganda leaflets or pamphlets. His letter dated 8-6 mentions rain, and perhaps there was rain, but there was a mission. I don't have crew sheets for all these dates to use as additional sources. I know from the group and squadron diaries, that there were plenty of rumors flying about the coming Invasion of Southern France. He doesn't mention that yet, but does mention that he's "sweating out" his promotion which he's expecting at any moment. Betty packs and sends packages to Ang; notes more visiting with friends and relatives; and notes that Mrs. A (Ang's mother) might be very ill. She doesn't mention that again, so I guess she was OK. Tuesday August 1. Shopped after work for Ang’s box -- odds and ends. Nothing happens in office so no news. Wrote some letters—bed about 11:30. August 2. Warmish. Flo and Marge up for dinner. Packed box for Ang in evening. He got the first package—finally. Bed 11:00. Tired. ![]() [V-Mail. 8-14 postmark] 8-2-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Guess what—I got a letter from Wally—and a nice long four page letter it was. I guess this overseas business cures all the boys of not answering letters. He has a new address for awhile. W. Reardon RDM 2/c Radar Operators-SCA. Air Center—Box #1 Navy 140—c/o FPO San Francisco, CAL I’m sorry, dear—but as soon as I finished writing that—It struck me that it was a good way of filling up space. I knew you’d think so—but really it wasn’t intentional. Your letters come in steady as clockwork—which makes me very, very happy—I love you wifey Love, Ang ![]() August 3. Packed two boxes for Ang - the bottle in one. Wrote couple of letters in evening. Home alone. Family to movies. Pretty warm today. Bed 11:00. Form 5. C-3, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:05h [Crew sheet is under Official Documents tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #20.] 20. 8-3 Nice. Chaff [Note: A Chaff mission indicated that they dropped "chaff" in an effort to "confuse" the German radars. The crew sheet for this date (see under the Official Documents tab) shows Ang flying one of three planes dropping chaff, out of a total of 10 planes from the 486th bomb squadron. Written on verso "Glade. D.L. Phelps, T.H." Generally, when Ang noted crew on a mission, it was the pilot and the bombardier] August 4. Worked steady all day. Sent box to Ang - finally. Kay and Tom with in-laws for weekend. Washed head and wrote Ang. Form 5. A-4, Administrative flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:30h [As usual, Ang does not note this Administrative flight on the fourth, in his log book or in a letter. I don't see anything about it in the 340th or 486th diaries either. However there were missions flown on 8-4-44.) [V-Mail. 8-15 postmark and stamped Aug 26 on inside] 8-4-44 Corsica Hi Hon: I got a letter from Frankie yesterday—not much news—just chatter. Say, my letter writing is really bringing in dividends. In your last letter—you were worried about my hospitalization. It was nothing to worry about. I ran a little temperature—and they were observing me for malaria. I didn’t have it—so that was that. Say, hon—I know what you can send me—a batch of Air Mail stationary. No cracks now! If I had it around—I might put out some long letters—ha! I sure am glad to hear that Kay got to L.A.—I’ll bet Herm is a happy sailor. I love you, hon—Love, Ang ![]() August 5. Very warm. Did a little shopping after work. Bought some kitchenware. Mr. S for dinner and to movie. Bed about 12:30. Dead tired. Form 5. C-5, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 1:30h [I don't have a crew sheet for this mission. ] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #21.] 21. 8-5 Pisa. [Chaff Mission crossed out] Paper. [written on verso: "Laney"] ![]() August 6. To 12:00 mass - then to Kay’s in-laws. Had a real good time - saw some lovely movies. Drive home and straight to bed about 11:30. Form 5. C-6, Combat flight as bombardier, B25-J, 1:30h [I don't have a crew sheet for this mission.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION 22.] 22 8-6 Nice. Weather. Recce [written on verso: "Regan N.J."] [I assume he means weather reconnaissance.] [V-Mail. Postmark 8-15.] 8-6-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Its one of those dull, drizzly days that make you ready to lay down and die. Its hardly good for the morale—and I’m way down in the dumps. Oh well, the way the boys are going on the other fronts—the war shouldn't last too much longer. Gosh, I sure do sound miserable—its really not as bad as all that. I guess it[s] just the weather. Charley [Vail] has been drunk for 2 days—and boy what a hang over he has. He’s really in sad shape—and the way he looks, doesn’t help my disposition any. Tch, tch! Gosh hon, I sure do love you an awful lot—Love, Ang August 7. Gee it was hard to get up this morning. Wrote letters all evening and feel a little better. Mrs. A very ill--??? To bed 11:00. Tired. August 8. Nothing new at office today—mailed a large package to Ang. Warmish in P.M. Quick supper & to Schr[ricker or reiber]s. Bed by 11:30. Sure tired. ![]() [Letter, written on small notepad paper. Postmark 8-11] 8-8-44 [no dateline] Hi Hon: I’ve been doing rather poorly with my letter writing lately—haven’t I. I’m sorry—I’ve been rather busy lately. Of course thats no excuse because I’m never that busy—I’ll snap out of it. That last “V” mail of yours really slayed me. The last part, I mean. “Ang, I love you so much--Hurry home!” Gee, hon, my nerves are still aquiver—you shouldn’t do that to me. Holy mackeral! It was nice of you to suggest getting something for our boy Skeezix—but it isn’t worth it. He’s got everything he wants now—about six or seven slightly used honest to goodness pairs of shoes. All they can get in Sicily is sandals—and those are about 25 bucks a pair. He’s got more clothes than all the rest of the Eyeties put together—and the food he eats sends him to paradise. We also take him for a practice flight once in a while—and that leave him with only one desire. The squirt wants to go with us on one of our missions. He really hates the Germans (He has good reason for it)—and he loves the idea of being in the plane that rains bombs down on them. Oh well, maybe some day when we have a milk run we’ll put him aboard. If you noticed a pause—which you didn’t—it was me going to dinner. And, it was a darn nice dinner—Ham, pot., corn on the cob, and apple pie. Its quite a meal for us. I’m still sweating out my promotion—its just about time for them to come back. Oh well, why worry. Joe sent me a picture of you and the baby. You both look right pert—as I’ve said before just a bit too maternal. Please excuse the paper—its all I have! On the other hand maybe its just right. I guess you’d prefer this to “V” mail. I think I’ll start using it. I love you honey—and I am hurrying as fast as I can. Love, Ang You may remember from previous posts that Betty's mother, Margaret Russell visited Chicago in May 1944. Apparently a reporter and photographer from the Herald newspapers came out to visit and a photo of five generations of the family were featured in an article in the Sunday American Weekly. I guess it was published locally in June and then nationally in October. These copies are from Betty's files. I haven't been able to find actual publication information from online sources. (This is something that only bothers a former library/editorial person like me. I'm hoping I will someday find a copy of the article, perhaps on microfilm at the Library of Congress.) The article questions whether the women who went to work during the war would shorten their lifespans. Well, most of the women in my family were, and are, working women -- for at least some part of their adult lives -- and our life-expectency seems just fine. Great-great grandma Harrington lived another year after this article. Great-grandma Henderson lived another 12 years. My Grandma Russell and her daughters Aunt Peg and Betty, lived to their mid-80's. The article was way off base but my family still loves having these photos. Seventy Two years ago. A moment in time. Five generations together in one place. Ang flew a mission on July 30 to close out July with his 19th mission. The crew sheet shows he was on 6K, "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen" so she was flying again after getting a "new nose" after the July 5 accident. Betty continued her routine, but spiced things up a bit with a drive to Santa Barbara and a night out to Earl Carroll's - a Hollywood nightclub. She apparently tells Ang about it because he mentions it in a letter in August. In addition to Kay's husband, Herm, they now have her mother's nephew "Jr" visiting them. But the fun news is that Betty sent Ang a copy of an article that featured five generations of her family. And Ang hears that stories about the bomb groups on Corsica have made it into some papers back home. He is mentioned in one of them which I found online and have included below. Scouring the papers for news of the war was a major pastime on the "home front" so this was a pretty big deal. Wednesday, July 26. Not very busy at office so far this week. Did some laundry—washed hair & wrote Ang. To bed earlier. [Letter. Postmark 7-27-44, onionskin stationary] 7-26-44 [no dateline] Hi Hon: Time for a long letter—so here I am. I don’t know if it will make much sense—because I’ve got a head that feels the size of an ack-ack balloon. But, I feel pretty good so I’ll try. We had another dance at the Officers Club last night—and it was really a lulu. Charley Vail just got back from Cairo—and he brought back a couple of bottles of British whiskey—sooo! We sat down and put a good edge on and then headed for the club. When we got there we started in on Italian Champaign (carbonated vinegar]—and, boy, we really got stinking. To show you how stinking I really was—I even got up and danced once—how do you like that? The Colonel really got ambitious and he must have raided every hospital in Corsica—because he showed up with a couple of ambulances full of nurses. Boy, they sure were a sight for sore eyes. Half of them had evening gowns on—and the club was full of American perfume. Boy, just like home. It really does an American good to be in something like that once in awhile. I would say that half of the men don’t have sex on their minds when they talk to an American girl over here—its just that they bring back nice memories. Its nice to see female American faces (there definitely is something different)—hear American voices come out of them—see them wearing American clothes (those evening gowns—oh, my gosh). As I said there was five of us really getting drunk—and as the evening progressed—so did we. Finally, two new Red Cross girls came over and sat with us for awhile. So help me—they were the exact duplicates of Gerry & Jayne—I guess they are sisters too. Boy, they brought memories back by the dozens—the proms—the Bit & Bridle etc. It wasn’t long before I was ready to cry in my carbonated vinegar. It doesn’t sound like a very enjoyable evening—but it was! I mean drinking and memories make one feel bad—but good at the same time—if you get what I mean. Its just like having a good crying jag—and then feeling happy afterwards. At any rate, Charley and I finally staggered home—I don’t know who brought who (or whom) home—we just leaned against each other and went. We must have made it—because I woke up in my bed this morning. By the way, my first (promotion) papers went in the day before yesterday—and barring an act of God and depending on the good humor of the big shots who O.K. the promotions your husband should be a first Lieut. in a couple of weeks. However, I’m not counting my chickens until that white bar is on my collar. I’ve been a 2nd Lt. so long that it just doesn’t seem possible—does it? The only thing that worries me is that I’ve only got 18 missions—and that’s pretty soon—usually it takes about 30. However, most of my missions have been lead missions so that may make a difference. Oh well, as I said—I’m not counting my chickens. Hon—as far as giving you poop—I really do give you all I can. Some things I just can’t talk about—and there is nothing I can do about it. An enlisted man can write all kinds of things and the only thing that happens to him is that the censor cuts it out. But we censor our own mail—and if we get caught saying things we shouldn’t—we’re in hot water. And now the news & what there is of it. Skeezix is still in fine shape—and working harder than ever. Boy, he really keeps this place of ours clean. He’s a Gem. Arne is fine—and I did give him your regards. Say, I really got a kick out of the five generations picture. It looks so natural—it really is a good picture. It sure is a beauty of Donny—he really is cute. How did they ever get him that way—that tongue hanging out really got me. I guess that’s about it honey—I really love you very, very much. Love, Ang July 27. Marge and Florence here for dinner then to movie. Home by 12:00. Didn’t even write Ang. Pretty tired. [V-Mail. Postmark 8-9-44] 7-27-44 Hi Honey: I just finished reading your long letter. Tch, tch—are my letters as bad as all that? I kinda get what you mean though—I’ll see if I can do little better in the next long one. Honey, I wrote to Wally Reardon a long time ago. Really, I can’t think of anyone I owe a letter to—and dozens who owe me letters. I’ve really been pouring them out since I got over here. I’ll see if I can get in touch with Captain Cots—I’ve always liked him. Thanks for giving me his wife’s name—I’d forgotten it—naturally! Say, Hon, save the gum for yourself—we get plenty of it over here—also the stamps. Thanks, anyway I love you hon—Love, Ang July 28. Sort of warmish today - had a snack and then to kids. Had a time of sorts - E. Carroll’s. Home by 1:00. Two [?- hard to read] drinks. Nuts. July 29. Slept late. Mr. S. over and up to Santa Barbara. Herm home with us - Jr here when we got home. Bed by 1:00. Dead tired. ![]() [V-Mail. Postmark 8-9-44.] 7-29-44 Corsica Hi Hon: I just got a letter from Peg—dated the middle of last month. There were Boco pictures in it—mostly of the baby—and one nice one of you and Donny. There’s only one thing wrong with it—you look too darn motherly to suit me. I also got your manicure set. You know how much I take care of my fingernails—but Charley is as bad as a woman about it—and he sends his thanks. I do appreciate all those little packages—keep it up, hon. I can’t get over that five generations picture—it really is good and looks so natural. Its one of my pin-ups—right between two pictures of Lana Turner. I love you, hon. Love, Ang ![]() July 30. To 12:00 Mass. Got up early and made breakfast for Jr. Wrote Ang. Marge and Flo for dinner. Loafed all day really. To bed about 11:00. Tired Form 5. July 30. C-30, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 3:10h [See crew sheet for July 30 at "Official Documents" tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION #19.] #19 7-30 Ferrara R.R. Bridge 1st box hit center & 2nd South approach. 1000 lbs. Heavy, intense & accurate--3 ships holed. Used smoke pots. [note made in ink: "Sgt Slocum shot in shoulder"] [The crew sheet (see Official Documents tab) is dated July 29. But according to the 57th Bomb Wing records, the 30th is correct.] ![]() July 31. For being Monday the day went awfully fast. Pay day too. Had stomach ache after dinner—wrote letters. Bed 10:30 [V-Mail. Postmark 8-2-44] 7-31-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Will wonders never cease—I got a letter from Jen today. No news, but her letters always make enjoyable reading. My goodness, hon, you sure are taking in all the shows in town—you’ll be way ahead of me by the time I get back—I don’t see very many—because they are outdoor movies (sitting on the ground) and we have to wear mosquito netting and leggings—and all that trouble is hardly worth it—except maybe Bob Hope or Lana Turner. Hon, you’d better start reading the newspapers. Several of the boys were sent clippings with mention of the group or the Squadron—and even one with me mentioned. I love you, hon. Love, Ang [I found this article via an online newspaper search. Ang talks about it in his August 28 letter. He gave enough information so that I had a few good search terms. Articles like this were picked up by many "hometown" newspapers.] On July 18, Ang reports that he's restless and wishing for a rough mission. It's no wonder because being stuck in the hospital with no missions since July 6 would make anyone restless. Of course he gets his wish the next day and earns Cluster #1. He mentions a big dance at the club that he helped build back in May. He also says that Betty's package took 20 days to arrive! Perhaps that's the one she mailed June 27? Betty reports meeting her Aunt Kay and son Tom who arrived from Chicago. Mostly her diary reports her usual activities and notes receiving a $10 raise. Another nice change is a day at the beach in Long Beach. On the 24th, she gets Ang's July 13th letter saying he should be out of hospital in a few days! July 17. Up late and to Mass. Went to park for while but no sun. Ironed and read in evening. Bed about 10:30. Form 5. July 17. T-17, Training flight as navigator, B25-J, 1:15h [There was a mission on the 17, but Ang is not listed on the crew sheet. He hadn't had a mission since July 6 so I'm sure this was a "refresher" flight to make sure he was ok to fly after being sick. The time in the hospital was a real setback in the effort to get the required number of missions. That number was a moving target itself!] July 18. Warmer today. Met Kay and Tom. Herm got in for a second - just a second. Didn’t do anything all evening. Bath & bed 10:30. [V-Mail, no envelope] 7-18-44 Corsica Hi Hon: Gosh, Babe, I sure have been restless the last few days. You know how I get—can’t sit and can’t stand—want to do something and don’t know what (or do I). I guess it was all that laying around in the hospital that did it. What I need is a good drunk or a good rough mission to take the edge off. Oh well, I guess I’ll live. Say, dear, send me a copy of the current “Esquire”, will you? Gosh, I’m so restless I can’t even sit still long enough to finish this letter. I suppose Kay is out there by now—I hope everything turns out all right for them. Let me know how they come out on the trailer deal, will you? I love you, hon—Love, Ang July 19. Rather warm today. Got David’s present—after work. Wrote Ang all evening—in a mood—Tom sort of mean. 10:00 ![]() Form 5. July 19. C-19, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:25h [See crew sheet for July 19 at "Official Documents" tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION 17] #17 7-19 Sassuola R.R. Bridge Pattern in center of bridge. No flak. 12 FW & ME 109's attacked. Shot rockets at us. Scared us--did not know what they were No casualties [Ang doesn't note it here, but we know from orders that came in December, that he earned his first oak leaf cluster on this mission. The ribbon bar at the top of page shows the ribbon representing the Air Medal with two of his Oak Leaf Clusters.] July 20. The days are sure long these days. Met family after work and to movie—had a bite out. Washed hair and to bed about 10:30. [V-Mail. No envelope.] 7-20-44 Corsica Hi Dear: I got the candy and the Readers Digest yesterday—thanks a lot. It only took 20 days—and that’s pretty good time. I really go for that candy—I’d appreciate it if you would send me a lb. or two. We had a big dance at the new club last night—four nurses. I went over for a little while—had a couple of “Gin and Juice”, and then came home and finished the Readers Digest. Ho, hum—such exciting lives we combat men lead. I got a letter from Kay—and she and Tom were leaving—so I guess she’s out there by now. I love you darling—Love, Ang July 21. Worked sort of hard and steady today. Mr. S. for dinner. Wrote letters all evening. ![]() [V-Mail. Postmark 8-2-44] 7-21-44 Corsica Hi Hon You’re a darling—do you know that. The P.X. had run out of tooth powder for about a week—and so had I. Just when my teeth were about ready to fall out foul and dirty—your package came with a beautiful can of pepsodent. Its just like being home with you supplying my needs—did I ever tell you that I loved you—If I didn’t, I do! I’m glad you appreciate my efforts in letter writing (your love for writing “Uncle” John)—I do my best to please. I get so bored sometimes—it’s a pleasure even to write letters—but when I start I get restless and I can never seem to finish a really long letter—excuses, excuses—I love you—Love, Ang ![]() July 22. In office alone today. Got a raise too -- $10 a month. To park in PM - couple hours. Confession in evening. July 23. To Mass at 9:00. Then down to Long Beach. To beach all PM - and got some sun. Came home about 8:30. Dead tired. July 24. Had a letter from Ang and he’ll be released from hospital in a few days. Sure glad it’s nothing. Wrote letters all evening. Bed about 10:00. Form 5. July 24. C-24, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:45h [See crew sheet for July 24 at "Official Documents" tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG] #18 7-24 Chivasso R.R. Bridge Pattern in middle of bridge No flak. July 25. Did some shopping at noon - bought some hats. Mr. S. for dinner. Herm in too - stayed here all night. To movies. 1:00AM. "I guess that’s all I can say about the hospital -- . . . Ang's comment about the hospital where he spent time during this period. It appears he got sick sometime after his July 7 letter. He writes a letter on the 11th saying he’s been sick for a couple of days and is in the hospital. He also writes a couple V-Mails and a long letter on the 13th, in which he tells her more about his "cossacking trip" to Sicily. Betty’s schedule is the same routine as usual, including another trip to San Diego to check on her Aunt Kay's husband, Herm, who is in the Navy and has also been sick. _______________________ Saturday, July 8. In office alone today. Did some shopping for Ang. Got album ready for him. Call from Herm and to S. Diego tomorrow. Movies and bed late. July 9. Not quite so bad a trip this time. Nothing real serious on H’s mind--nuts. Home by 8:00 PM. Flo called. July 10. Not as bad a day as I expected. Not too tired. Nothing unusual happened all day. Got some some packages ready for Ang. July 11. Work very slow - didn’t have much to do. Not very warm today. Home all evening and wrote Ang a long letter. Washed head. 10:30. [V-Mail. No envelope. The V-Mail is dated 6-11-44 which can't be correct. He's letting Betty know about being in the hospital, which was in July.] 6-11-44 Corsica Hello Honey: I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long—but I was in no shape to do any writing. I was a mighty sick little boy for a couple of days—but I’m O.K. now. It was the same thing that I had at Hondo, Texas. Fever, headache and my body feeling like it had been put thru a wringer. Just like Hondo—it took me a little while to get over it—and just like Hondo—they won’t let me out of the hospital. They worry themselves sick over malaria over here—and I’m in the hospital to be observed for malaria. They took some slides yesterday and they turned out negative. The Doc says I probably haven’t got it—but we can’t take chances. So I’ll probably be in here for a couple of weeks while they “observe”. Please don’t worry dear—I’ll keep you informed on my progress. I love you darling—Love, Ang July 12. Today about the same as all week. Florence Taylor up for dinner and then to movie. Herm still here. To bed by 11:30. July 13. Cloudy again until after noon. Quite disgusting. Didn’t have to work real hard either. Wrote letters & to bed by 10:30 [ V-Mail. Also no envelope.] 7-13-44 [no dateline] Hello Hon: Well, everything is O.K. at this end. Even the Doc said I was O.K. – and when they admit that much—Well! I should be getting out in a couple of days. My temp. is normal again—but I guess they have to make sure it stays that way before they release me. I’ll drop you a nice long letter a little later giving you all the dope—hospital—nurses—etc. I’m glad Kay is coming out there to stay with Herm for awhile. It will be good for both of them. Is she taking the two boys along with her? The four of them ought to have quite a time in that trailer—ha, ha! I love you dear—Love, Ang ![]() [Letter on air mail stationary. Postmark 7-14-44.] 7-13-44 [no dateline] Hello Hon: Well, heres all the details. I’ve already told you how I got into the hospital—so I can go on from there. By the way—thru the process of 26 million tests—they have decided that I do not have malaria—so thats one relief of[f] our minds. I hope to get out tomorrow—but probably won’t—oh well, its not a bad life—in fact I enjoy it, kind of! The beds with springs & clean sheets are a pleasant change. The food is pretty good—and the nurses—ah, the nurses! Honey, you won’t mind if I fall in love with them—that is with all of them—a sort of mass love. There’s safety in numbers you know—unfortunately I don’t mean the no. of nurses—but the no. of high ranking officers after each nurse—at least 20 colonels for each one. What chance does a poor second Lt. have? Of course I do have an inside track with one of them (I don’t know how I do it). She’s a little Greek gal from Boston—named Mary. She speaks it about as “well” as I do—and you ought to hear us jabbering back and forth. I was doing allright too, until my conscience started bothering me and I dragged out your picture. Oh well, that’s life for you! However, maybe I still have a chance because she still rubs my back for me once in awhile. It must be my fatal charm. The doctor is a diamond in the rough. He looks and acts just like Doctor Christianson of the movies. I guess that’s all I can say about the hospital—except that it seems full of miracles. One fellow was operated for his appendix at eight at night and the next morning he was up and riding around in a wheelchair. How do you like that. Now, getting back to that trip to Sicily—I forgot to tell you the most important thing of all. We picked up a house boy for ourselves. His name is Carlos—but we call him Skeezix. He’s an Italian boy about sixteen—and cute as the devil. He was a bellhop at the hotel. We started kidding him one day about taking him with us—and then forgot all about it. The next morning we asked him to show us where we could by[buy] an iron—and he told us to follow him. The jerk led us over to his house—and before we knew it we were swamped by his mother and twenty six thousand relatives. They were all crying and thanking us for taking their Carlos with us—and when the war was over, would we please, please take him to America with us. We tried to convince them that we couldn’t take him to America—but they said that an American “official” (officer) could do anything—and that was that. Then the mother came running up with an iron for us—insisted it was a gift—so what could we do. She begged—the 26 thousand relatives begged—the kid begged—so we took him along. Honey, it would tear your heart out to see how these people feel about America. They gladly tear themselves apart from their sons to give them a chance at America. I guess we finally convinced his mother that we couldn’t take him to America—but she wanted us to take him and keep until the war was over. [different ink here—changed pens or written later] Probably just to keep him from starving (half) or living in filth anymore than he had to. At least the experience won’t harm him. We’ll fatten him up—teach him a little English—and a few manners. He’s got more and better clothes now than he’s ever had—and honest to goodness pair of shoes. His eyes almost bugged out when we gave him those. He almost went crazy over our food—especially when he found out he could have all he wanted. And when he found out he could go to the “cinema” every night for free—he was in heaven. We were going to pay him three and a half a week but the Major said it would make the other Italians dissatisfied so we had to cut his wages to two bucks a week. He cleans up our “house”—keeps the water bottles filled—and washes our clothes. He really is a handy little tyke. He’s a conscientious little devil—he pesters me to death for more work—I have to get mad and order him to rest before he’ll take a couple of hours off. To show you how conscientious he really is. When we were at his house we told him if he wanted to come with us he would have to take a bath every day. He looked at us like we were crazy for awhile—then he got a determined look on his face and said he’d do it. And by golly he has done it—never misses, we don’t even have to remind him. See what I mean about good habits. He’s even got us doing it. He’s really picking up English too—doesn’t have any trouble making us understand what he wants. For instance—the other day he had the “G.I.s” (Runs) so he came up and said: “Mr. Adamssss, Sir—eight o-clock toilet—ten o-clock, toilet—twelve o-clock, toilet—today, toilet, nine times. Mr. Adamssss—Capish?” See, no trouble at all with him. Well, darling—I guess now you know all my secrets. There isn’t much else to write about—so I’ll promise to say I’ll put up a terrific battle against that nurse if she gets any ideas (ha). I love you darling—I love you very much. All this spare time in bed isn’t doing my thoughts or morale much good. That colored picture of you helps a little—you look so darn real and delicious that one of these days I’m going to start chewing on it. I love you sweets—Love, Ang P.S. By the way, quite some time ago I told you I had written a check for $100.00 (two $50)—and as yet you haven’t mentioned it. I hope you got the letter. At any rate the fellow that has them lives in L.A. and will be there one of these months. He’ll probably call on you anyway—but especially if the check bounces—so don’t be too surprised. Don’t be afraid to ask Dad if you need anything. ![]() July 14. Not enough to do all day. Met Mother after work and did some shopping. Wrote letters all evening. Bed about 11:30. Tired. July 15. Herm’s relatives up in evening - also Flo & Marge. Herm in too - late. To bed about 12:00. Tired. [V-Mail. Postmark 7-25-44.] 7-15-44 Corsica Hello Honey: Got out of the hospital yesterday—and feel fine so you can stop worrying. I’ve had you on my mind all day today—and its not good for my morale. I woke up thinking about you and layed in bed for about a half an hour letting memories carry me away. Then I thought a cold shower might help so I took one—but it didn’t do any good. So, I’m back on my sack letting my memories and emotions run riot. As I said, its not good for my morale—but what can a man do--. The things I have been thinking and remembering—tch, tch! I love you darling—I love you very, very much—I sure would like to have you close to me for an hour. Oooo—what I said! Love, Ang July 16. didn’t do a thing all day—up rather late & a little laundry. Read all P.M. To movies & dinner. To bed about 10:00. Miss Ang! [V-Mail. Postmark 7-27-44.] 7-16-44 Corsica Hi Hon: I got a letter from Bud yesterday—he’s fine but his outfit has moved so I don’t guess I’ll get to see him again. He said that Wally had written me a letter—but I’ve yet to see it. I did write to him quite some time ago. Skeezix (my boy) is sitting on the floor industriously polishing my boots. The kid is O.K.—in certain things he does take your place. After looking at your picture he said I had a “bona” wife—I think so too. Darn it hon, I miss you awfully. Yesterday I nearly knocked myself out thinking about you. I love you darling—Love, Ang In spite of time spent in Sicily on a “cossacking” trip and time spent in the hospital, Ang still flew 6 missions and wrote 14 V-Mails and letters in July! From July 1 through 7th Ang wrote to Betty to tell her about his trip to Sicily on what they called a “cossacking” trip - to get some fresh food and some booze when they can get it. These are recorded as “A” for Administrative flights on the Form 5. In his scrapbook he saved an article about a plane called “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen.” He was navigator on a July 5th mission when the plane’s nose was crushed. Betty continued her work-visiting-writing letters schedule and prepared care packages to send to Ang. ![]() Saturday July 1. Up about nine—and downtown shopping. Out to Long Beach—had late dinner and talked. To bed about 12:00. Dead tired. Form 5. July 1. C-1, Combat flight as navigator, B-25J, 2:45h [See crew sheet for July 1 at "Official Documents" tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION 14.] 14. 7-1 Canneto tunnel mouths. 1st box missed-- we hit tracks & mouth. Heavy, scant & innacurate. 1 ship holed. July 2. To 12:00 Mass - but late. Didn’t do much all day. Read and talked. Took some snaps - late dinner. Home about 11:00. Tired again. FORM 5. July 2. A-2, Administrative flight as navigator, B-25D, 2:50h [I suppose this was the flight to Sicily.] July 3. Sure was tired this A.M. Worked until 3:00. Bought some things for Ang—had dinner and to movies. Bed by 11:00. July 4. Didn’t get up till about ten. Wrote Ang a real long letter. Cleaned up and out to Schrickers for dinner. Home about 10:00. Tired. Form 5. July 4. A-4, Administrative flight at navigator, B-25D, 2:55h Form 5. July 4. A-4, Administrative flight as navigator, B-25D, :40h July 5. Surely was tired today. Worked pretty hard. Out to Rowena’s & thru boxes. Wrote letters—to bed about 10:30. Form 5. July 5. C-5, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:15h [See crew sheet for July 5 at "Official Documents" tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION 15.] 15. 7-5 Ostiglia Fuel Dump Hit target. 250 lb. bombs. 8 ME 109's attacked from rear of our box. Gunners shot down two---Kresspe very excited. Two ships holed--one minor injury. Our nose wheel caved in on landing. Saw Spitzes get 2 more 109’s. [The original 340th BG B-25 “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen” was lost to further combat with the other damaged B-25s when Vesuvius erupted in March 1944. In April the 340th moved to Corsica and received more B25s to replace those as well as others damaged in a German attack on their new airfield. One of these was named for the Kathleen lost at Vesuvius: I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen II. From what I can piece together, Ang flew the B-25 mentioned in this article on his July 5, 1944 mission. It was his 15th mission and this article says it was the 36th mission of “Kathleen”. T/Sgt Petrozzi was the crew chief at Vesuvius and later on Corsica. More than likely this article was published in his hometown paper. I have tried to track it down, but haven’t had any luck to date. I have no idea where Ang got it! Photos #1-a&b below are of Kathleen on arrival on Corsica. After the July 5, 1944 crash, Petrozzi went to work to replace her entire nose section. According to a mission crew sheet, Kathleen was back in action by July 23rd. You can view Ang's July 30th crew sheet under "Official Documents" which shows him on 6K. Photo #2 below shows Kathleen after landing on July 5, 1944. Photo #3 below shows the crew getting ready to repaint her name. Photo #4 shows Kathleen after her 100th mission on December 31, 1944. Records show that Kathleen was flown back to the States in July 1945 and was scrapped in 1946. The crew sheets I have show that Ang flew on 6K at least 10 times.] [V-Mail, postmark 7-15-44] 7-5-44 Corsica Hello Darling: I know that I’m a very bad boy—but I’ve been on a Cossacking trip—that is a pleasure & rest trip! We visited Sicily—oh well, I’ll tell you all in a long letter as soon as I finish this. I just wanted to let you know I was O.K.—and the “V” mail goes so much faster. Did you get my letter telling you about the $100.00 check I wrote—this is the trip I cashed them for. I sure hope it didn’t embarrass you too much—I mean financially. When I got back there was 10 letters for me—so I feel pretty good. All the news in long letter honey. I love you—Love, Ang July 6. Didn’t have to work so hard today. To show after work. did laundry and wrote a couple letters - am getting swamped. 11:00 ![]() Form 5. July 6. C-6, Combat flight as navigator, B25-J, 2:30h [See crew sheet for July 6 at "Official Documents" tab.] [FROM ANG'S FLIGHT LOG. MISSION 16.] 16. 7-6 Parma R.R. Bridge 1st box hit right approach. 2nd - center of bridge. No flak. July 7. Mr. L. out of office today so not too busy. Sent some packages to Ang. Also wrote letters in evening. To bed about 10:30. [Letter. Postmark 7-9-44, air mail stationary, addressed to L.A.—this letter is either mis-dated or maybe in the wrong envelope—should be dated 7-7?]
6-7-44 Corsica Hello Hon: Well, here is the long letter I promised—and the details of the cossacking trip. The boys get kind of sick of army chow—so ever so often we send a ship out to get fresh vegetables and eggs. This time I went with them—and due to “plane trouble” we had to stay four days—boy, what four days. Back home, they wouldn’t have meant anything—but a couple of months on Corsica and we can have a good time anywhere. Sicily is pretty well built up since the war wrecked everything they had. It has a couple of fairly large towns—we visited Catania. I have a bunch of post cards—but I can’t send them so will have to bring them home. I also bought a cross from one of the local monks (?)—its supposed to be hand made, but its really nothing special and looks like maybe they bought it from Woolworths. However, he said it was blessed—and I thought you might like something from one of these old monasteries(?). I’ll send it on one of these days! Now, getting back to details. As soon as we pulled into town about 20,000 kids ran up yelling “Woman, Johnny?” No, we didn’t want a “woman”! “Eat, Johnny?” Yes, we wanted to eat—so two of them led us to a small restaurant. We had to buy them a meal too—but, boy, it was worth it. We ate all our meals there—and I’ve never been such a glutton in my life—and that’s saying a lot. After all this army chow—we just went hog wild. Italian Spag—steaks—chicken—fresh vegetables and fruits. Heres what I had the first meal—and don’t think I’ve gone crazy, because the other boys had the same thing. Two big plates of Spag & Sauce—yum! One half a chicken—and a tenderloin steak. A big Dago salad—two bottles of beer—and probably two lbs of fruit afterwards. The prices are outrageous—but the cooking was wonderful, so who were we to kick. Just to give you an idea—the beer was $1.50 a bottle (quart). Now you can see why I needed the $100.00 When we finished, the kids started again. “Food bona (good), Johnny?” Yes the food was multa bona. “Hotel, Johnny?” Yes, we wanted a hotel—so they took us over. It was called the Hotel Bristol—I guess the best in town. The rooms weren’t too much—but the beds had honest to goodness springs on them—and there was actually a clean sheet on each one, so they looked pretty good to us. The rooms had a sink in them—and on each floor (way down the hall) there was a flush toilet. The hotel even had one bagno (bath) in it. Of course it was on the first floor—but it was quite a novelty. And with all this came the third floor chamber maid—“Mama”—fat—fift[y]ish—and jolly as the devil. After we came back from supper—she came in and helped us drink our vino. Mostly thru the use of hands—we managed to understand each other. She kept on telling us that she liked the Americans—and kept on warning us to stay away from the women in the town—“too much malata (you guess). She said when the Germans had control of the town, she used to go out of her way to “fix them up”—but she liked the Americans. Cute people, these Sicilians. Well, that went on for the full four days. Sightseeing—eating—drinking—eating—sleeping—eating—eating and eating. Boy, I’ll never forget that food. We did quite a bit of sightseeing—there’s a lot to be seen. Old roman ruins—an old Roman arena in the center of town—old and beautiful churches—etc. We rode for hours on end in these open air, horse drawn cabs. One night we rode for several hours thru town and along the water. The night was wonderful—and cool. The moon was as big as could be. The view—the sights—the ruins—the big beautiful church domes. Ah me, I could just see you next to me—under the spell of all that—cuddling up—Gee, a man can only stand so much—and being all married men we were glad when we got back to the hotel and Mama telling us about the “malata”. Maybe you didn’t know it—but you, at least the thoughts of you, came darn close to wrecking my nervous system. We had to do something—and we did. We ordered nine bottles of vino—and got stinko—and I do mean stinko. Praise the lord for flush toilets—twice I filled it with my insides—and still wouldn’t stop. About four in the morning—I passed out on a chair—and that’s where I was when I woke up. It’s a heck of a note when a man deliberately drinks himself into unconsciousness—but that open air cab—the moon—and my thoughts completely demoralized me—my morale had gone to hell. Don’t let it worry you dear, I feel fine now—I guess every man over here gets that way once in awhile. Well, honey, I guess that just about finishes the cossacking trip. There isn’t much more to say—except that I love you. I love you! Love Sweets, Ang |
AuthorJoni Adams Sesma, daughter of Angelo and Elizabeth Adams. Ang served on Corsica with the 57th Bomb Wing, 340th Bomb Group, 486th Bomb Squadron. April 1944-April 1945. Archives
July 2017